Moss Turtle gets a Hokora

You may have noticed preparation occurring and were wondering “What is going on with Moss Turtle?”  The answer is that a small shrine structure, called a Hokora, is being added to the back and top of the sculpture. The Hokora is made of bamboo and it will protect moss turtle. Because the Hokora  has openings it will still be able to be watered.

The Hokora is collaboration between artists Michiko Tanaka and Marcos Everstijn. Marcos has been dedicated to creating a Hokora that highlights Tanaka’s Moss Turtle. His design, fabrication and construction skills provided Moss Turtle with a Hokora that will endear even more people to the sculpture. The sculpture will not be relocated as part of this project. The main portion of work occurred October 20th; but additional finishing touches will be made in the next week or so.

This Friends of Troll’s Knoll art project is funded by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Matching Fund.


2021-2022 Accomplishments


Thank you Tree Planters!