Carve Pumpkins for Trolloween!

The Fremont Arts Council will be celebrating the "Troll's 32nd Birthday" as they have done each year on Halloween night at 7pm at the Troll.

Help carve 50 pumpkins!

We want to invite at least 25 members of Friends of Troll’s Knoll & the Troll’s Knoll P-Patch to join us at the Powerhouse. We'll be carving away Sat & Sun before Halloween Monday. Refreshments will be served. On Halloween night, the pumpkins will be placed at the Troll & on the east & west sides of the Knoll, then lit (with LED's) around 6pm with your help.

SIGN UP ASAP! Pumpkins are limited!

text /call (206) 498-3139


We are in the midst of making Troll masks for our performance of "Fifi Fo Fum's Revenge". Steve Elliott is our guest artist from England collaborating on the 30 minute play to be held at the Troll at 7pm sharp! It's followed by a costume show & dancing with our Samba band Vamola! They will then lead the Haunt Through Fremont procession.

We're also holding mask making workshops if you are interested in being a supporting member of the Troll cast of hundreds.

Register for a Trolloween mask workshop:


Thank you Tree Planters!


Still have Room on our Tree Planting Crew